sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009


In loving memory of Michael Jackson (1958-2009).

Michael Jackson was Superman. He was the hero who took me flying to the moon and taught me how to walk there, something that I never really learned because the walk was his signature, his style, his individuality.

1995. A year of History, and an aptly titled album and video compilation that showed me a true THRILLER, a BAD man who really knew how to BEAT IT. And boy, did he have a beat! From that moment on, I made it my purpose to see him live before my very eyes. My purpose came true on September 10th, 2001, when I saw him, his great friends and his brothers at his 30th Anniversary Celebration at Madison Square Garden. It was a night i'll never forget.

Back to 1995. Halloween, to be precise. My costume had a hat, black shoes, white socks, white t-shirt and white shirt. For one day, I was Michael Jackson, someone who I still idolize from the tiniest corners of my soul. 1999. Halloween again. This time I had a mask with Michael's face. I was more Michael than ever. However, in 1999, the world was confused and angry about Michael Jackson. And this was not to change over the next few years, until 2009.

2009. March. I was checking out Michael's website, and it said that soon Michael was going to make a very special announcement, live from London. I curiously thought to myself, "He's going back on the road. He's back. This Is It." I was shocked when my anticipation came true. It seemed that the world was finally going to do Michael Jackson the justice he deserved and craved for. It was the hottest ticket in town. However, it would turn cold in just a few months.

June 25th, 2009. I'm sitting in my computer at home, when I hear my mother's voice saying that Michael Jackson is in a fragile condition. I turn on the TV and effectively the news say that it is believed that he has passed away. I am stunned. However, I cannot react. Two hours later, the sad news is confirmed. I sit down in total paralysis and cry for hours. And the crying has not ended.

A few days later, i'm watching his memorial on TV, and when the casket is carried onto the stage, I cry. Then, MTV Video Music Awards. Janet Jackson creates an unprecedented tribute to her brother. I still cry. October 28th. I'm watching the This Is It film and I cry. Finally, on November 6th, I watch the memorial on YouTube...and I cry more than ever. I feel Michael close to me, and yet I realize that he was gone too soon.
My life has changed since June 25th, 2009, and it certainly has been transformed since 1995. It has become musical, exciting, spectacular, thanks to Michael Jackson. My feelings for Michael are present in the following poem, written and published by myself on Facebook shortly after his passing:

You made the world want to scream,
And you made them beat it,
With shiny gloves and Billie Jeans,
You asked us "Can You Feel It?".
You taught us our A-B-C's and our Do-Re-Mi's,
You rocked our world,
We rocked with you,
And still we just can't stop loving you.
You were a thriller,
And a dangerous one at that,
Cause after all, you made us bad,
And you gave us all you had.
We will always remember the time,
When we first heard you,
When you taught us that we are the world
And that we must heal it.
That was the way you made us feel,
You made us shake our body down to the ground,
You made us blame it on the boogie,
And you made us dancing machines.
We never got enough,
You were simply off-the-wall.
With this said,I conclude: I Never Can Say Goodbye But You Were Gone Too Soon.
Once again, I conclude: I Never Can Say Goodbye But You Were Gone Too Soon.
Copyright 2009 Emilio Sánchez Enterprises Inc.


Aquí se inaugura el espacio de crítica y reflexion cinematográfica de Emilio Sánchez Enterprises. Comenzamos con algunos comentarios y reflexiones sobre PONYO, el nuevo filme del director japonés Hayao Miyazaki.
PONYO, el nuevo filme de Hayao Miyazaki, el genio creador de SPIRITED AWAY, es un filme animado que define el buen uso del lápiz, el color y la creatividad. Tratándose principalmente de una fantástica relación entre un niño llamado Suke y su pez Ponyo, quien desea convertirse en humana y logra hacerlo, causando un gran escándalo en su hogar del mar, esta película parecería enviar un mensaje sobre el actual y decayente estado de la humanidad y del mundo. No hay que tener cinco años para recibir y entender dicho mensaje, inclusive, parecería que la fantasía y la animación son dos disfraces detrás de los cuales se envuelve un propósito dirigido hacia un público mayor. Y aun así, de una manera deliciosamente contradictoria, el filme es una celebración del ser humano y de su poder creativo. En una era dominada por los computadores, es refrescante una propuesta que nos remite a los cien dibujos que comprenden cada milisegundo de movimiento en el cine animado tradicional. ¡Y qué dibujos! A sus 68 años, Hayazaki parece tener más poder e imaginación artística que nunca. Su anterior filme salió en el 2004. Y si hay que esperar hasta el 2104 para ver un filme tan inspirante e inspirado, tan apasionante y apasionado como PONYO, es hora de que la raza humana comience a hallar soluciones para alargar la duración de la vida, la lección que he aprendido después de ver este trabajo cinematográfico.
Copyright 2009 Emilio Sánchez Enterprises Inc.